The Benjamin Inverno
Memorial Scholarship Fund

Ben Inverno passed away on the 25th of June 2020, aged 22. He attended Buckley Park Secondary College along with his two sisters, Lainie and Eliza. He graduated in 2016 after completing his VCE and was DUX in Physics and Further Mathematics.

The Benjamin Inverno Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Buckley Park student who exhibits some of the values and character strengths that Ben demonstrated. 

Thanks for contributing:
  • Starsha Learmonth
  • Learmonth Family
  • Ricky & Pete Hartson
  • Matthew Roughan
  • Brooke Rintoul
  • Lynda Attard
  • Melinda Mills
  • Veronica O'Sullivan
  • Fiona Hodge
  • Marina Kopeykina
  • Miroslav Davis
  • Paul Campbell
  • Stephen Radford
  • Matt Jordan
  • John Rimkevicus
  • Kim Pinchen
  • Neil & Lyn Styles
  • Jan Howie and Kath Powell
  • Rhiannon
  • HCS
  • Nicole Simmons
  • Graeson Tolley
  • Vic & Shirley Jones
  • Shayne
  • Mary Jones
  • Shirley & John Inverno
  • Adam Conroy
  • Nick Flanagan
  • Jeanette Carrington
  • Calllum Cross
  • Barbara Hughes
  • Bernadette
  • Brenda Williams
  • Chelsea Windsor
  • Dee Dee Verlinde
  • Ciara Browne
  • Jenny Howie
  • Jasmina Dezelic
  • Gary MacDonald
  • Sharlene Abela
  • Jason Hill
  • Cathy Quinn
  • Caleb Nixon
  • Graeme Port
  • David Howie
  • Aleisha West
  • Marie Garcia
  • Nicole Inverno
  • Alyce Jones
  • John Inverno
  • Darron Hughes
  • Kaitlin Inverno
  • Marija Rod and Lucas
  • Eliza Inverno
  • Peter Rimkevicus
  • Glenn Keyte
  • Starsha Learmonth
  • Lisa Blaney
  • Vivianne Hadla
  • Jane & Matt
  • Nesceda Blake
  • Jen
  • Marija Basic
  • Louise Dundon
  • James Skipworth
  • CYP Arden BBQ
  • Simone Andrewartha
  • Jason Saxton